Auto parts production grows 19.6% in Mexico

The auto parts industry had an important growth during 2021, closing with just over 93,788 million USD, which is reflected with an increase of 19.6%, compared to 2020.

However, according to the National Auto Parts Industry (INA), these are only preliminary figures, expecting that the definitive result could reach 95,000 million USD for 2021.

He also explained that the forecast they have for this 2022 is a growth of 5.2%, reaching an approximate amount of 98,656 million USD, only in the production of Mexican auto parts, a figure that depends on the demand of the main customer, the United States.

Main producing states

In 2021, Coahuila positioned itself as the main producer of auto parts in the country, with a share of 16.9%; followed by Chihuahua, with 12.3%; and Nuevo León, with 11.2 percent.

In fourth place is Guanajuato, which was displaced from the third position, contributing with 11%; followed by Queretaro, with 6.6 percent. While Puebla and Tamaulipas occupy the sixth position, with 6%; followed by the State of Mexico, with 5.9% participation.


The auto parts industry It is at a crucial moment to take off its manufacturing growth and faces great opportunities with the Canada, United States, Mexico Agreement (CUSMA), as well as the trade war between China and the United States to substitute imports.

The United States continues as Mexico’s main customer with 80% of total auto parts production, so it will continue to increase this year, mainly with the signing of the Agreement between Mexico, the United States and Canada.

In the last 11 years, Mexico has had a 105% growth in participation in the United States. And it may still increase over the next few years, with imports declining from China and imports of auto parts from Mexico and Canada increasing, to meet regional content.

Development of the auto parts industry

As of October last year, the auto parts industry created 863,000 direct jobs, an increase of 0.1% more, compared to the same period in 2020, confirming that the sector has maintained its human capital and has increased the number of employees.


Map of Automotive Assembly Plants in Mexico



How we can help

Symbiosis focuses its efforts in terms of export promotion, assistance on direct investment and internationalization of Canadian companies. With a deep cultural and business ties with the region and an understanding of the challenges presented to canadian clients doing business in Mexico. Our team is positioned to timely and efficiently assist clients providing counsel and the legal tools to assist in their possitioning in Mexico. For further information, please contact us or book a call/video conference with a member of our team, it would be our pleasure to meet you and talk about your project.



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