Official Preventive Measures


March 24, 2020 – the Mexican Ministry of Health publicized via Federal Official Gazette, the Agreement to establish the preventive measures to be implemented for the mitigation and control of health risks involved in SARS-CoV2 virus disease (COVID-19).


The principal points affecting the industrial and commercial sectors are:


  • According to Article 2., as a preventive measure, public, private and social sectors should implement (2.a) avoid the attendance at work centres, public spaces and other crowded places, of adults over 65 years of age or older and groups of persons at risk of developing serious illness and/or dying because of it. These persons should at all times, and as a paid leave, enjoy their salary and other benefits established in the current regulations referred to in section 2.c of this article.


These groups include pregnant or lactating women, people with disabilities, people with chronic non-contagious diseases (people with high blood pressure, pulmonary, kidney failure, lupus, cancer, diabetes mellitus, obesity, liver or metabolic failure, heart disease), or with some condition or pharmacological treatment that causes them to suppress the immune system;


  • Section 2.c establishes the temporary suspension of activities of the public, social and private sectors involving the physical concentration, transit or displacement of persons from the entry into force of this Agreement and until 19 April 2020.  


The units and entities of the Federal Public Administration and the organizations of the social and private sectors should implement plans to ensure continuity of operations for the fulfillment of their essential functions related to the mitigation and control of health risks involved in the disease by the SARS-CoV2 virus (COVID-19) and to guarantee the human rights of workers, in particular those referred to section 2. a), and of the users of its services.


In the private sector, labour relations shall be maintained and applied in accordance with the individual, collective, law contracts or General Conditions of Work applicable, during the period referred to in this Agreement and under the Federal Labour Law and the Federal Law of State Workers of Constitutive Article 123.B.       


All of the above, with strict respect for the labour rights of workers, in the public, social and private sectors.


The Agreement was signed by the Secretary of Health, Jorge Carlos Alcocer Varela, and publicized for its immediate entry into force.




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