Labour Authorities Random Inspections


Labour authorities began random inspections to the enterprises of the area (some of those inspections happening as response to anonymous reporting). They’re validating the compliance of both, essential and non-essential enterprises.


The essential enterprises should have set measures intended to respect the Health Emergency declaration. The considered  non-essential should demonstrate the reasons why they may be considered that way (subject to the inspector consideration) and the implementation of all health recommendations, measures and/or procedures in order to keep the social distancing and safety in the workplace.


They’re requesting as well several documents to probe the nature of the product, the main activity of the company, legal compliance related to other regulations, etc.


If your company is a non-essential which is currently finishing or closing production, contact us immediately so we could validate a temporary allowance before the labour authorities to avoid fines, administrative penalties and warrants.



SYMBIOSIS is actively advising Canadian companies with operations in Mexico on all aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are tracking developments and are available to assist foreign investors with questions about Mexico’s legal framework and strict compliance options.




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