Mexico presents the guidelines moving to its post-Covid-19 “new normal”


The pandemic traffic light

Regardless of the municipalities that will have an early quarantine exit, a traffic light will begin operating to indicate how activities will be reactivated, depending on how specific regions in the pandemics progress. There are seven activities that can be catalogued in four colours: red, orange, yellow and green.


The colour of traffic light for each activity by the region will be updated every week, but the Undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion, Hugo López-Gatell, unveiled today, during the Presidential Conference, the map of the country on how the progress of the pandemic with as of today, May 13.


The traffic light is part of Stage 3 of the reopening plan. Stage 1 begins with municipalities that will be out of the quarantine in advance, Stage 2 is about the issuance of protocols and the adaptations that companies have to make in working areas, as well as the modifications that have to be made in public spaces. Finally Stage 3 begins with the entry into force of the traffic light presented, on June 1.


Reopening Stages



May 18

Reopening of the “Hope” municipalities (those presenting no contamination so far)


18-31 May

·       Preparation for the reopening

·       Construction, Mining and Transportation industries are to be considered “essential”


June 1

Traffic Light system




SYMBIOSIS is actively advising Canadian companies with operations in Mexico on all aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are tracking developments and are available to assist foreign investors with questions about Mexico’s legal framework and strict compliance options.




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